40 J Grace for Grace, Or thecverforrings of L. draw all men after e: I, Love is adrawing thing : Iove is a drawing thing it draws menand women together into one yoke, that lived farr afunder ; Andwhat greater love than this, that ,Jefus Chrill iliould lay down his Life tor poor finners ? Wildome, wifdome is a drawing thing; it drew the Queenof ,Sheba from farr, to come unto Solomon; and behold a greater than Solomon ishere ! Riches, riches; Wealth, wealth is adrawing thing. Founty, and Libera- lity a drawing thing ; it draws thepoor beggar to the rich mans dore : And behold ! here's Riches ! Oh ! there's an infinite treafury of Grace, and liolinefie in Jefus Chrift. And here's Liberality ! For there isan infinite propenfion, and willingneffe in the Lord Jefus Chritt,togive out of this Fulnefie unto poor fir tiers. Ch ! hath Cod the Father exaltedJefus Chrift, and (hall not our hearts exalt Him Beloved ! let butJefus Chrift be exalted inyour thoughts, and in your hearts; and you will Eland : Firm againtl all Temptations : Firm againfl all Difcouragements : Firm againft all AffliEtions. Firm againft allTemptations : IfTemptations come to of- fer you pro fit, andpleafure; then will you make this an- fwer : No,you bid me loffe 3 for thereis a fulnefs in Jefus Chrift; and ofHis Fulnefs, through the Lords mercy, I have received, Firm againfi allDiJouragements : Ifthe Devil come, and tell you ; Thou art now a Profeffor, but ere long you will fall away, and prove as great a fcandal to Religion, as ever you honored it before : Youwill make this anfwer, True (indeed) Satan, I have a back fliding foul, I have a back fliclingheart; but there is a Fulnes in Jefus Chrift, & through the Lords mercy, I have receivedof this Fulnefs; and therefore! Thal perfevere in the way that I am in, not- withflanding all thy difcouragements. Firm againfl all Afflit ions : if you want this creature- comfort, or the other creature-comfort; you will anfwer : I, true, I want Friends, I want Money, I want Credit; Oh ! but yet, there's a Fulnefs inJefus Chrift, and there's enough