Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Fulneflreceivedbyall Saints. 41 enough in Him; and of this Fulnefs, through the Lords mercy, I have received. Oh ! what a drawing, what a drawing argument is here! me thinks theftouteft limier in all theCongregation fhould now come in, anddolewith the LordJefusChrift. Youwill fayunto me : Here are incouragements indeed, gueg. toBeleevers ; for the Doarine runs thus : There is a com- municationof the Fulnefs of Jefus Chrift unto all Eelee- vers. Oh ! but what incouragement is here for others, that are not Beleevers ? And truly I am afraid, I am even afraid that I amnot oneof thole; what incouragement is there for others, that are not Eeleevers alfo ? I pray look into the, 68. Pfalm (andconfider it wel) at An iv. the 18. verfe. See what is fpoken concerning Chrift tothis purpole that now I amupon : thou haft afcended on high, Thou haft led captivity captive : not:haft receivedgiftsfor men,- ('tis fpokenofChrift) yea, for the Rebellious Alfo ; Mark that word : Thou haft received gifts for men; yea, For the Rebellious Alfo. Well then, is there ever a Rebelli- ous Childe in this Congregation ? Is there ever a Re- bellious Drunkard, that bath taken up arms againft the Lord Jefus Chrift? Is there ever a rebellious Swearer, or an Unclean heart here, that hath taken up arms againft theLordJefus Chrift ? (Sales theText) He bath receivedgifts for men ; yea, for the Itebelliow Alfo ; The Reafon why you have not thefe gifts, is , becaufe you donot come to Chrift. Oh.! But if you would come to Chrift, Mark ) If you wouldcome to Chrift, you that are Re- bellious, if you would come to Jefus Chrift , He hath theregifts, or Grace by Him ; ifyouwould cometoHim, you fhoincl have theft gifts from Him. _Who would not throw downhis weapons now ? Is.thereever a Rebel in all thi, Congregation, that hath taken up arms againft the Lord lefits Chrift heretofore? Me thinks he thould be in- couraged hence to come unto Jefus: Chrift. Bodin bath a ftory concerning a great Rebel, that hadmade agreat,and itfong partyagaint; a Roman Emperour & the Emperour H makel