Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Grace for Grace, Or theoverfiewings of makes Proclamation; that who ever could bring in the Re bel, either alive, or dead, should have fuch agreat fum ofmoney. 1 he Rebel heat ing of this, he comes in him- felf, preCents him>eit unto the Emi erour, and demands the film ofmoney. 'aies the Emperour; ifnow I ihould put him to death, the world would think, that I did it to Pave my money : notwithita riding all his former rebellion, the Emperour pardons him, and gave him the fain ofmo - ney Oh ! would a Heathen Emperour do thus by a poor Rebel' And it thou(rnan or woman) wilt throw down thy weapon;, and comein unto theLord jefus Chriii, do you think that theLord tefusChrift, will not give to you thole gifts that He hath received for you ? Certainly He will. h me mink_ therefore, every poor firmer should now h tug !ipon this IAword 3 yea, For the rebellious .Alfa: Hath the Lord jefus Chriil receiued gifts for men, and for the re- bellious Alfo?I wit: for ever hang upon that word,Alfo. Oh! I have bin a Rebel : I have bin an unclean Rebel ; I have bin a fwearing Rebel , I havebin a drunken Rebel : Oh ! Lord, I will throw down.my weapon, and hang upon this word', 44/fo Bath He received gifts for men ; and for the rebellious Alfo? oh t. I will come in unto Him, Oh ! what a mighty incouragement is here for all, good and bad, to comein unto JailsChrift ? ComeDrunkard Come Swearer.; Come Unclean heart; Come Sabbath-breaker; Come lying-Children ; Come iiealing-Servants : Oh! Come unrothe Lord jefus Ch rift that you may be fil'd for ever. Oh ! Come untoChrift, that you may leave your fins. Here is incouragement to all, good and bad, to come unto jefus Chriii One word niore of Life unto Eeleevers ; and fo I have done. Is there a communication of the Fulnefs of Jefus phrift unto all Beleevers: Then Beleevers Own your own, own your own : labor to firengthen your Affurance of your. Union with /this Chrift : and maintain your confi dencein-Him.= Ifyou have AfEurance ofUnionwith ;Jefus Chrift, you ayhave the comfort °fall this truth : you