Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

rs Fulnefreceivedby all Saints. may, and you will fay thus, or to the like purpofe : Hat h1 the Lordgiven meChrift, andwill Henot with Him give me all things elle I rue indeed, I want Grace to do fuch a work with ; co pray with, to hear with, to examinemy own heart, withal : I want Grace to do iuch a work for od Oh ! but, there is a communicationofthe F nines of jeiusCh rift unto all Eeleevers; and through the Lords Grace I am one : There is a communication ofthe Fulnefs of the Lord jefus Chrift unto all the Saints; and through the Lords Grace I am one : and therefore indue time, I know I thall have this Grace communicated to me. But ifyou want the Affurance of your Union with Je- fus Chrift : Oh ! then ' youwill want the comfort of this Truth : then you will break out and fay : True indeed, there is the communication of the Fulnefs of Chrift unto Beleevers ; but the Lord knows I am none : 'Tis true in- deed, there's a communicationofthe Fulnefs of Chrift un- to al the Saints; but the Lord knows I am none; I have an unclean heart of mine own ; the Lord knows I am none. Oh I therefore, you that havegone doubting up and down, andhadno afurance ofyourcondition all this while; of furauceofyour Union with Jefus Chrift : for the love of God, get it now : as youdefire to have the comfort of this truth that now I have binupon, get it now. You fee Beloved, thefe times we are fallen upon, are dy- ing times : and truly, I may fay ; Dying times, andDoub- ting hearts cannot Rand together : Oh ! C* up, up .? you that have had your evidence for Heaven 'yin a- broad all this while, get it in. labor to get affurance of your Union with Jefus Chrifi : and maintain your confi- dence, and affurance and fo fhall you have the comfort of all this Truthmadegood unto you : And the Lord give it in unto you. S E - 43