chrifis calm' receivedby all saints. 40.44.444444+444444-tf+44.k.44.+4.444 "a tt -C6), AID.A A ,i10,OAArt 440441444444,440440444411444444444 SERMON III. JOHN I.16. AndofHis Fulnefl have all we received, even Gracefor Grace. p,,W,PRSP,2eS, Have made entrance into there Words in dg`ab`44'7 other Congregations : And defire to pro- T ceedhere, where I left there. I R, The Words are fpoken ofour Lord and x,* Savior Chrift : They hold forth Three ealaem 6-74trarr645is8 great, grandPropofitions. Firft. That there is a Fulnefs ofGrace in JefusChrift. Second, That ofHis Fulnefs, all we have received. Thirdly: That of His Fulnefs all wehave received, E- ven Grace for Grace. I havedone with the Firft Propofition. The Second afforded thisObfervaLion- That alt the Saints, andPeople ofGoddo partake_ ofthe Fulnefl ofJefus Coif,. in a way of receiving. This falsafimder into Two Parts, or Two Branches. Firft, That there is a Communication ofthe Fulnefs of JefusChrift unto all Eeleevers. Secondly, That what ever Grace, or Holinefs the Saints have fromChritt, they have it in a way ofreceiving. I have 45 Preached at Mag- nus. Aug. 24. 1645.