46 GraceforGrace, Or the over-flowing. of I have done alfo, with the Firfi of thefe: (Ccdwilling) to (peak to the Second. Wbatfoever Grace, or Holinefs' the Saints, andPeople of God have fromChrift ; they have it all in a tray of receiving. Of .His Fulnefs all we have received. The former Branch told us, That Chrift Communicates : This tels us, 1 hat vve Receive. There the Emphafis lay upon Chrifts Communicating: And here the Accent is fet upon our receiving. The Grace ofjefus Chrift isnot borne with its : Wedo not go to Jefus Chrift in the iirength of our Nature, to take of Flis F ulneffe to our laves : But jefus Chaff gives out, and we receive : All ina way of Recei- ving. 1 heGrace,and MercyofourAffification, and remiffon of Sins; is by way of Receiving. Rom. 5. I 1 \ ot only Jo, but we alto o jo.y in God, through our Lord :pito Chrift, by whom we have now received the atonement. Atonement is to be had, it is to be had byChrift and this in a way of Recei. ving. Again. TheGraceandMercy ofour Adoption, is tobe had in a way of Receiving. Gal. 4.5'. he came to redeem them that were under the Law, that we might receive the Adoption of Sons. Adoption is a Tiding that is molt darable : 1 his Chrift gives and this we receive. Again. The C raceof our SanUification, is tobe had in a way of Receiving. hat is the Caufe, and Original of all our Grace; or Fiolineffebut the s piritof Cod And that is received. Gal. 3. 2.7hi, only mould Ilearn ofy(u,Feceived ye the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by the hearir,gof Faith ? The Schools fay, that the word Grace, is either taken for ?he Gifts of the holy-Gbefi : or for Saving, andSanClifying Grace. Take Grace for, 7he gifts of thekoly-Gloofi, (as fometimes the \Void is tifed ins crirture ) and that is in a way of IA et-civil:lg. Zeit, to 57,7hcy hear cid ern f-ealiwitb 7cngues (at And am now