Cbrifi.?Fulnef received by all saints. '("at the 46. ver.) Then anfwered Peter,Can any manforbidrva- ter, that thefe ihould not beBaptized, which have received the ho- ly-Gho That is The Gift of the holy GNP.. TakeGrace for _Wine, and SanCiification ; and that is alfo, in a way of Receiving; to be had in a way of Recei- ving. Rom. 2.15. For ye have not received the#irit ofbondage again tofear : Butye have received the Spirit ofAdoption, where by we cry, Abba, Father. There are Gifts ofPrayer : And there is the Spirit of Prayer, ofAdoption crying, Abba,Fa- ther. The Firft may be without Grace; but the Second not : whereever the Second is, there is Grace : And this is Received faith the Apoille here: In general, all is by wayofReceiving. Aryehave Recei- C ,6. ved theLord Chrifi (faies the Apoitle) fee thatye wall Him, ol. 2 And in another place : What haft them, that thou haft not Re, Cor. 4. ceived ? What hail thou, that thou hail not Received ; 7 All in a way of-Receiving. He Pall come down (faies the Pfalmiji in the 72.Pfidm fpeaking concerning our Lord and SaviorChrift, and His Grace at the6. verfe) He fhall come down likerain upon the mowengrafl. Or as Come write it (for O Co the riginal will bear it) He thall come down like rain upon the Fleece : having relation to Gideon r Fleece. Hefhall come down like rainupon the moreen grafi' : arpowers that water the earth. A Pfaint for Solomon: (faies the Title.) But: there are many things in this Pfalm, that cannot properly, be unclerilood of Solomon; but in a type, properly belon- ging to Jefus aril For as Strigelius does well obferve : (at the7. verfe, the verfe next following this text) it is Paid : In his daiesfhall the righteousflourifh : and abundance of peacefo long as the moon endureth. Solomon did not live fo long as the moon endures. This therefore; is to be underflood ofChrift. Andat the 5 verfe, it is faid : Theyfhallfear thee as long as the Sun and moon endure, throughout all generations.' They did not fear Solomon; men did not fear Solomon as long as the Sun and moon endures, through all generati-1 ons. Thistherefore, malt beunderflood ofChrist. Now, fee therefore, what is faid of Chriff, and concerning His Grace 47