48 I Gracefor Grace, Or the over-flowing of Amu'. 4. 7. .judg. 6. 38, 39, 40. i i 1 Grace : (faies the Text, in the 6. verfe :) He (hall comedown like rain upon the mowengrafi. Like rain : rain (you know) is that that does make theearth fruitful. Non alter fedannul facitfrustum : 'Tis not the (owing, but 'cis the Year that caufes fruit: 'tis the rain that caufeth fruit : And fo, 'tis the GraceofJefus Chrift that does make us fruitful ; His Gracethe caufe ofour Grace. I will be ar a dew (faies the Lord, in the 14. ofHofa) unto Ifrael : and then follows fruitfulnefs. Again, The rain cometh by (pedal appointment from God ; with a kind ofdifcrimination. He maketb the rain tofall upon one City (faith the Prophet) and not upon another. As wee reade concerning Gideon: Fleece ; the dew fell upon the Fleece, when all the earth was dry round about it : And then the dew fell upon the ground, when the Fleece was dry. And this was a Type of theGraceofGhriti : when the 7eraes were bedewed with theGrace ofChrift, then all the Nations round about, theyweredry : And then, when God bedewed the Gentile:, the Nations round about with His Grace; then theyews were dry, and they are dry to this day. Again, The rain, falktb("tis the Scripture phrafe) the rain falleth ; and falleth upon the earth : and the earth is a recipient to receive it : it is meer recipient at the firft, and then brings forth it's fruit : the Rain falleth. And fo doth theGraceof Chrift : the Grace of Chrift falls upon the fouls ofmen and women. (faith the Text here) Ile pall come down like the rain upon the mown graft. So doth the Graceof Jefus Chrift, it comes downupon a poor foul : All in a way ofreceiving, al in a wayof receiving ; what. ever grace, or holinefs a man hath on this fide Heaven, it is all in a wayof Receiving. And this will appear further to you, if you confider : The infufficiency of Nature. The Supernaturallity of Grace. The Shortnefs of all means that are appointed thereunto. The work and nature of Faith. And thepof- tare, and true behaviour ofPrayer. Firft