Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

draftsFulnef receivedby all saints. 1 49 Fitt ofall. There is a Natural inability in a man unto what is good, truly, Spiritually good. Firit. Aman is unable byNature, to overcome any fin, though it be never fo Imall. A man by Nature, he may abilain from vices, from a fin ; but overcome it he cannot. Sin may be Satisfied, and not Mortified. (Mark) In may be Satisfied, and not .11,, ortified. As in the dropfie : 1 here is agreat deal of difference between the latisfying ofa mans thirft, and the healingof the Difeafe. Many men think that their fin is certainlyhealed, when 'tis only Sati.fed. Whereas a beggar, when he is competently ferved, he will beg no more : And fin, beggar-like, when 'tis well ferved it will not beg again prefently, not in the fame temptation. Sin it felt, will ceale to fin, that it may ga- ther fsength to fin. But now, a man by nature he cannot overcome it. And therfore, in the s Cor 15,57. the Apoftle faies thus : But thanksbe to God, which giveth us the Vittory, through our Lord .7efu,s Chrifl. Vi &ories,and all Vi&ories is through our Lord Jefus Ch rift. And if in the Oidlefiament, all V i&ories were given from God, all outwardVitiories were given from Him : Thenmuch more in the New 7efta- ment, are all our Spiritual Vi&ories, (the former being but Types of thefe) much more are all our Spiritual ViEtories, then to be given to Cod. Now you fee how it was with David, in the iS.Ffalme,concerningoutward Viftories ; he gives all to Cod. Safes he there (at the 32. verfe,) It is God that girdeth me with firength : He maheth my feet, like hinder feet : He teachethmy hands to war, fo that aBow offled is broken by mine Arms. And at the 2. verfe (faies he) The Lord is my Rock , my Fortrefe,my Deliverer: my God, myfirength in whom I wil trufi my Buckler, and the horn ofmy Salvation, &minehigh Ewer. AsVal] his War-like firength and skill were from Cod. And is not muck more our Spiritual ftrength,w hich wehave in our Chrifiianwarfare from jefus Chrift ? Ihave Pfal. 16. Jet the Lord alwaiesat my right hand, therefore Ifhall notfall : 8. (faie the Pfalmift. ) Naturally then, a man is utterly un- able to overcomeany fin, or temptation, though it bene- ver fo fmall. I Secondly