Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

chrOsFame received by all saints. one word of God whom he had loft. And fo now man, man having finned; What does hedo ? He can mind his cloathes, he can mind the,affairs or the world ; thofe things that concern this life, and his body : Oh ! but not one word, not.one thought ofGod, until the Voiceof the Lord be heard : Andwhat then? ThenAdam-like he may be a- fhamed, and may be afraid, ; , but yet no repentance till Ghrift comes. Naturally a man being fallen, he is unable to rife again. Thirdly. As he is unable to rife again : So he is unable to fkand, to hold, to continue : though he fbould rile up again, he is unable to frand, he is unable to hold, to continue. And there- foreDavid Peeing his people in a good frame, he prayes, That the Lord would continue that good in the thoughts of their heart, and that for ever. And fo the Apoltle in the i Peter, 5. 10. Fut the God of all Grace, whohash called us unto His eter- nal Glory by Chrill :10 5, afterye havefuffereda while, makeye perfea,fiablifh, firengthen, fettleyou. (Pray mark thewords) The Godofall Grace, fiablifli, firengthen, fettleyou. He does.not fay, The GodofNature fettle you : Oh ! 'tis an aec of Gracehofgreat Grace,of rich Grace to be fettled, it is an a of great Grace to be truly fettled, As Therome excel- lently notes; God is alwaies a giver ;God is alwaies a befto- wer : It Thal not fuftice me that God path once given, unlefs He would alwaies give. You know the parable concer- ning the flrong man, that ye reade of, in Mat. 12. being caft out by a fironger then he, and yet returns again. The Devil is this ftrong man in fome great, and groffe fin : now, though hebe caft out. yet notwithtlancling the room being emptied, though it begarnitlx with moral vertues, and Evangelical gifts yet the room befit g left emptyof Je- fus Chrifi, the Lord Jefus (Aria not keeping the houfe : faies the Devil, the houfe is mine ftill : and therefore (Calms he) Twill return tomine houfe, he calls it his houfe all this while ; Though the ftrong man were caft out, and though the room were fwept, and garnifht, yet he calls it his houfe fill, becatife Jefus Chriftdie! not keep there, and continue 2 there. 3. Chron. 26. 18.