Y] la 1 Gracefor Grace) or theoverflowing! of there. So that, theLord Jefus Chrift mull: have the Kee- pingof the houfe, as well as theSweeping ofthe houfe. Na- turally, a man is unable to hold, to ftand, and continue) though he do rile. 4- Fourthly Pray mark it, that you may fee, whatan in- fufficiencv (, ere is unto what is good, that fo we may be brought un,e0 moredependence on Chrith) Asa man it una- ble to liand, uTidperfevere : So alfo, he it unable to any onegood words, Spiritually, Evangelically good. We are not able (faies 2 Cor. 3. the Apoftle) as ofour felves, to thinks good thought, to #eaka 5. good word ; but all our fufficiency it of God. And Bradwardin, he reafons the cafe very well : (Sates he thus ) If that a man belowgood breeding upon his child : the father gives the natural being to the child,he brings him up in Military e'aires, & the childgrows very skilful, & the father furni- fhes him, with al kind of Armor r : yet notwithftanding, if the child bath the prowers, & the valour of the action from himfelf, he may boatt in himfelf, and he may fay, True indeed, I had my being frommy father,I had (indeed) my skill frommy father, I had my Armes from my father.: PUt the Altion is my own, the valourmy own, the ftrength oftheaftion is my own. So (faies he) if God fhouldgive habitual grace to a man, if the ftrength for the anion thouldnot be fromGod, he might boaft True indeed, I had the habit from God, the habitual grace from God, but the action is my own, the fpirit oftheaaion is my own: he had now wherein to boaft. Put all boafting is cut off, as you (hall hear by and by. And therefore Naturally a man is unable to every work : Not only the habit is recei. ved but firength for the aftion alfo, 'tisall received. Fiftly. Al amem is unable to every a&ion : So alfo, he it Na- turally unable to prepare himfelf unto what is good, #iritttally good. (Good people mark it) I fay, a man is alfo unable to Prepare himfelfunto what is good. Not only unable to do good; but unable to Prepare himfelf unto what is good, Spiritually good : not only unable toOvt:reome the enemy, but unable to draw out his forces: not only unable to. 17.c- ceisce