Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Chrifis nilnefs'received by all Saints. 53 ceive the enemies charge ; but he is unable to draw out his forces. Ho, ho, every one that thirfleth, come andbuy wine and IJa. 55.1 milkwithout money, or monies worth. If a man could pre- pare, here is money, here is monies worth : As one ob- ferves well, Then a man might fay, The fira beginningof my falvation wasofmy (elf: Yea, in truth a man may fay, The greateft part is frommy felf: for 'tis more to begin, andmore to prepare; fo the thegreateft part of our falva- don fhould be from our (elves. Ye know what the Apo- ftle faies, (and I pray confider it) in Ephe. z. r. And you bath He quickted, who were dead in treflaffes and.fins. Even you (at the 5. v.)evenwhen we were deadinfins bath quickned us together with Chrifi ; by Graceye arefaved. (Mark) Twice the Apoftle brings in that fentence : be brings it in again at the S. verfe : For by Graceye arefaved: why twice ? Not only to Phew that theprogreffe ofa Chriftian is by Grace, but the very firft begining, and letting out, 'tis al of grace: By Graceye arefaved. 'Tis a good fpeesh ofAufin , Grace is no way Grace, unleffe itbe every way free. Now can a poor dead man prepare himfelfe unto lire ? Did Lazarus prepare himfelfto life ? Could he do it ? Could Lazarus do it ? There is ( faith thePhilofopher) a proportion al- wales between the Mtion, and the terme of the A&ion. Nowwhat proportion is therebetween Nature and Grace? No man (faies our Savior) cokes unto the Sin, but whom the jqoh.6 Father draws, thus faies our Savior. Oh but (faies Pela- .44 gias) I cango unto Jefi/s Chrift by my own preparation, I can prepare, I candraw my felfuntoJefus Chrift, or I can draw Chrift to me. Beloved ! In natural Mticns, there needs alwaies preparations to the introducing offorms : be- caufe in the way of Generation of Nature , things are wrought by degrees. As for example-now : Ifa great log lie in the mud before you cancarry it away,you mutt loo- fen it from the mud : but the loggdoth not loofen it felfe And fo, ifwood be to be burnt ; firii it mull be di ied, there Is preparing the wood to he burnt, beCatire the thing is to be done by degrees. But in the converfion of a poor (inner, the