54 ( Grace for Grace) Or the aver-flowings of the work is done in a moment, it is no natural work, God infufes Grace there; and therefore there needs no prepara- ration there. And therefore Bradwardine, he reafons the cafe very well thus, If(faies he) a man can preparehim- fell, then the preparation either helps forward, or carafes the following grace ; if is does not help forward, nor caufe the following grace, then it does not prepare, that which does not help, does not prepare : & ifit does help forward the following grace, or caufe it, that Godmuff give a fol- lowing grace as a reward of this preparation ;. then finely, this preparation makes a man pleating in the eyesofGod : for, will God reward a man for awork that does not make him pleating in the eyes of God ? rut how can a man be fie:). I r, 6. pleating in the eyes ofGod, without Faith? Without Faith it is impoSzb le to pleafe God. So that a man cannot prepare himfelfto what isgood. Put all thefe together : A man cannot naturally overcomea fin, a temptation, though ne- ver fo {mall : He cannot rife when he is fallen : he a.nnot (land though he fhould rife : yea, he is unable to any good work, limply in it felf : and he is not able to prepare him- fell unto what is good. Surely therefore, all is in a way of Receiving : what ever grace one hath,he hath it in a way of Receiving. This is the firft Argument. 2. Secondly_ This truth is alto argued from the Superna- turallity of Grace: Grace is a Supernatural thing, and is cal- led in Scripture phrafe, The Seed ofGod : The ImageofChrifi: TheDiv'ine Nature : The good andperfeff Gift that comes from above from the Father ofLights : It is wrought in the foul by the infinite, and AlmightyPower ofGod ; the fame po- wer wherewith God CreatedHeaven and Earth at the firft. And therefore 'tis called a Creation, in Fpbe. 2. 10. We are Tips Workman/kip, created unto good Works The fame po- wer that the Lord ufed in railing up Chriff from the dead, is alto put forth in the converfion ofevery limier. And betides, When theLord is pleafed to convert, and dral'A poor firmer unto Himfelf, He does not alwaies take thole that are the bekthofe that are the wifeh,thofe that are the ......mam,......~ wasolla*.