Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

ChrijisFidne receivedhyall Saints. the moil moral, Civil men ; He does not al wales take the molt Prudent : but many times the Lord takes the worft ; aul,ZachetIs, Matthew, the Jailour, divers others. And ifyou look into the 33. Chapter of Job, where you have the plat-form (indeed) ofmans converfion : you fhall find there, in what a time God takes a man to Convert him `(at the I q. verfe) Godliyaketh once,yea twice, yet man perceives it not : In a dream, in a vifion ofthe night, when deepfleepfal- leth upon men, in flumbrings upon the bed : Then He openeth the ears ofmen, andfealeth their infirub%ion, That He may with- drawmanfrom hispurpole, andhide pride from man. When man leaf} thinks of it, then God comes, in a dream, in a vifion ofthe night, when deep fleep falleth upon a man, and in flumbrings upon thebed : Then he openeth the ears of men, and fealeth their inftru&icin. What does all this argue then But that grace, grace is infufed, grace is fu- pernatural ; Ch ! there is a fupernaturallity in Paving grace : Surely therefore, all is in a wayof Receiving, all is Received. That is a Second Argument. Thirdly. This truth is alto argued, from the Shortnell of the means ofgrace. Much means ofgrace appointed ; but take the means as it is in it felfwithout Gods appointment, or inflitution upon it,&youwil find that all means are too fhort to reach theend. For example ; In the old Tefla- trent, when the Lord would take in Jericho , and break down the walls of Yericho ; He Commands, -The Rams .horns fhould be blown. 'rake the blowingof the Rams-horns as lying under Gods appointment, and fo this aftion was fuifficient fOr to break down the walls : but take the aition . ofblowing the Rams-horns by it fell, and fo it was too fhort. So the Lord commands Naaman, To go and wafh himfilfin the water of Jordan : take this affion of Naaman wafhingllimielf in thewater; take it (I fay) withoutGods Commandement : take it with Gods -Commandement, Gods Appointment, fo it was flifFcient to reach his Cure, and Neale him ofhis Leprofy but now, take the .a6tion, as Iv as-in it felf, without the Appoin tment, -a nd snfiittr don 55 01/2:6:4 2 ITC/71gZ 5 . 10.