Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Gracefor Grace) Or the overflo2rings of tion ofGod, and fo it was too fhort to reach his Cure, So Job .9.6. in the new Teitament : our Savior Christ., talky ffittle and clayfor to cure a manseye! : Take this under Chrifts ap- pointment, and fo it's tufficient to reach the cure ; but take it without, and fo fhort. So Goddid appoint in Bap- tilMe a man ftiould be wafhed in water ; and in the Sacra.. ment we fhould eat bread, anddrink wine, for the beget- ting, and inareafng of Faith. Take thefe a&ions as they lie under Gods Appointment, and Inifitution, they are a- ble to reach this end but take thefe a&ions as they are in themfelves, waIhing in water; and eating bread, and drinking wine; they areall too fhort; all too fhort, either to beget, or increafe Grace. NiNi ell now, why does the Lord flit appoint fuch means, as in themfelves are too fhort for the end whereto appointed ? Surely, not only for this reafon, that he might teach us, that the thing done is ra- ther by the appointment, then by theufe of means but alto to [how thus much, That thoughwedo ufe the means, yet notwithil'acling in the ufeof the means,wedo not attain the thing by theute thereof; but that in theufingofmeans, and waiting there, we than receive ftrength fromGod to do it, to attain theend. Vv henfoever therefore, you con- fider the fhortnefs ofthe means appointed, conclude thus, That all is in a way of i'.eceiving : therefore Godhathap- pointed the means that are in themfelves fhort, 4.. Fourthly. 1 his Doarine is further argued, From the work,, andnature ofFaith. There is no Grace that the Scri- pture puts more upon, than E aith. (Mark I pray) In the old 1etiament, all the Vidcries are put on Faith : In the new 1 eftament, all the cures : if thou cantt but Eeleeve (faies Chrift) According to thy Faith be it unto thee. Yea, Beloved, ifyou look into the newTeftament, you Thal find, that the fame works that are given to Chrift. are given toFaith,. Je- fusChrift, He is faid for to SanEiifi, thefoul : So doth Faith, Faithpurifies the heart (faies the Apoftle.) Jefus Chrift, He is laid for to juflifie afiner : Sodoes Faith too : Being juflified by Faith : Romans, the 5th. .7efut Chrifr, He is faid for toPave the