-Glaris Fillnelteceivedby all Saints. the foul, He is called our Savior: Sodoth Faith too :sy Ezith ye are fazed. 4t hat's eafon now, that theLord does of pecially let theCrown upon the head of Faith;,. Some think it is for this Realon ; Fecaufe that Faith cloth unite the IOW unto jelus : Fut lb does iove,love is an af- fetlionof Union ; and all Grace unites to Chrill; as every fin feperates, fo everyGrace unites. Others think 'tis for this R calon : Lecaufe that as Faith fets theCrown upon the head of Chrill ; Cod lets theCrown upon thehead of Faith : and this is true. For as theLord does honor thole perfonsmoff. that honor himmoit : so He wil honcdthofe Graces molt, that honor him incl. Fut befides this, I con- ceive, the great heafon is this ; why the Lord does thus let all over upon Faith : ( Hay) becaufe that Faith, in the na- tureof it, is a Receiving C race. And thereforeJohn having laid in this 1. Chap. of .Ych. and the r 2. verfe. To as many as receivedhim, hegave power to be called the ,Fons ofGod. Ex- plainshitt-dell by this afterward in the fameverfe ; Even to them that Feleeve o.n Hit Name. So that Leleezing is nothing elfebut Beceivingthe Grace of God: the natureofF aith, be- ing to Receive the Truth;or the ReceivingofJefus Chriii : the proper work, and natureof Faith being to Receive. Now therefore when the Lord does put al upon Faith, and Faith in it's nature is a Receiving ; plainly it holds forth this Truth untous, That all is in a way ofReceiving : all Grace in a way of Receiving. F ifthly and lastly. This Truth is argued alto, From the pofi ire, and true behavior ofPrayer. (Mark) Prayer, is nothing elfe, but the fouls begging, orpetitioning for fornething from Heaven. A begger you know,w hen he begs,he holds forth, or he firetches forth his hand : noting a willingnels to re- ceive. co you reade in Scripture., that when the foul is put into a poilure of Prayer, it is put intoqhis poilure. Reade therefore what is laid, in Yob, I r. 13. Ifthouprepare thine heart, (or efi ablifi; thine heart, for fo the word fignifies) ifthou prepare thine heart, andfiretch out thine 'hands towards. Him. That is, if thouclod/ Pray untoHim, thoufiretcheft K out 57 5.