Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Gracefor Graced Or the over-flowings of out thine hands unto Him. Now as one obferves well : As it were a derifion, or a mocking of God, to praifeGod, or togive God thanks for that which He doth not give,but I have in my own power : So it were alfo a mocking of God, to pray to Cod for that which is not inHis hands to give, but in mine to do. Now my Beloved, What ever Grace, or Holineffe a man hath, he is to pray for : pray for healing firength ; pray for quickning itrength ; pray for confirming firength ; pray for firength to pray: and fee- ing the postureof prayer is this, to firetch forth the hands, (which notes receiving) in that we are for tobeg all Grace fromGod; it argues, all is in a way ofReceiving, all, all good is in away ofReceiving : what ever Grace, or Holi- neffe a man hath on this fide Heaven, 'tis all in a way of Receiving. But you will fay, That this Cuts off all endeavour ; if all be in a way of Receiving, then nothing to be done? This Doarine is an Enemy to all Obedience, to all laboring, to al good Works, and to all performance, to al Endeavour. Not fo : The Apofile exprefly does (peak= the contrary, as you may reade , ( and I praymark) in that 2d Chapter of his Epifile to the Philippians : Wherefore (at the 12 verfe) faies he) my beloved, asye have alwaies obeyed, not as in my pre- fenceonly,hut now much more in my ablence: workout your own Salvation with fear and trembling. Why.? (at the 13 verfe ) For it o God which worketh in you both.to will, and to do, ofHis go9dplejgre. Work out your own Salvationwith fear and trembling : why ? for all is in a way of Receiving ; 'tie Cod, 'tis God that worketh all in all ; 'tis God, 'tis God that does it,therefore work. Mark,how the Apoille argues: He dots not argue, as man y do: And I pray tell me if there be any here that think this Do&rin is againft Endea- vour pray tell me , W hat Work or Endeavour ? Either you would endeavour for to leave your fins ; or you would endeavour to dowhat is ()rood, to perform Come good. If you would endeavour form leave your fns: there is no fzlich way, 4; to be truly, fully petfwaded in your heart of this