Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Crs tkinef tecelizi(415 all saiotsn. 59 this truth , That all is in a way of Receiving. Mark therefore I pray, how the Apoitie argues for that purpofe, in the t Cor. Chap. 3. at the 3d verfe : or ( faies Fe) Te are carnal ; ye are carnal; for IThereof there id atnongyouenvying, and firife, and drvifrom, areye not carnal andwalkar men ? For while one f aith, I am of Pau', andanother, 1 am of Apollo, areye not carnal ? Well, but what courfe does theApofile take tocure this carnallity ? See what he faies, at the 6th verie : at the 5th ho then u Paul ? nho rr Paul e andwho h Apollo? but Mini) erg by wlvmye beleeved , even ar the Lord Gave to every man: Ihavepianted, Apollo watered, but God gave the increafe : So then, neither is he thatplanteth any thing, neither is he that rvaiereth : but Clod that gives the Increafe. As if he fliould fay thus : Here's divifions among you ; and one faies, I am for aid; and I am for Apollo : Oh I but get your heart fettled in this Truth, That all isof God, and all is of Chrift, and all is in a wayofReceiving ; and then divifionswill be no more ; there will be no more fuch fay ings as thefe, I am for Paul,and I am forApollo. Andagain, Would your endeavours be for the perfor- mance ofwhat is good? The confederation ofthis Truth that is now before you, is ofgreat avail this way too. Sales Paul,' have laboredmore abundantly than they al, et not I,but the Grace of Chrifl inme. Mark, yet not I, but the Graceof Chrifi in me. Labored more than theyal, more abundant- ly than all, yet al fromChrift, and yet all from Grace,and yet all in a wayofReceiving. Surely, there is no fuch way togracious, and blefledendeavors, as the ferious confider. ation of thisTruth that is now beforeyou. I'le giveyou Two Reafons for it : All A&ions are carried upon two wheels,Fear,andLove. As a Cart moves upon two wheels; fo everyA&ion is car- ried upon thefe two, Fear, and Love. The moreye love,the moreye move towards a thing: Themore yefear, the more yemove to avoid it : Fear, andLove the two great wheelsof every motion. Now as for Love ; what greater Love than this ; ThatJefus Chrift hath died for us, and vv orkethall K 2 our /10 Cor. 15. to.