' /fib4°. 31. Grace for Grace) Or theover-flowings of ourworks for us, and in us ? and Love caufeth Love. As for Fear, Ye know there are Come children, fo long as they are kept in dependance upon the father, the father having not given them portions they are obedient tohim : but if once thechildren have gotten their portions, and are come tolive by them telves, then no more obedience. lfyou have a man by the epeiii andhe knowsthat ifyou let him go, he fals down into tome great river, and there he is loft for ever: will not this man that you haveby the wrift, will not he be afraid now to ni 'end you, knowingyou have him thus by thewrift:' Beloved this Datrin tels us, that theLord hatk us all by thezprifi we live in a continual dependance upon Him.; and all is in a way of Receiving: will not this make. us to fear the Lord then ,? TheProphet Jeremiah,' in the 5th of 7er. 24. He wonders that the people fhould not fear the Lord upon this ground :. That the Lordgave them the for- mer and the latter rain. And (faies he) they have notfeared the Lord; that bathgiven them rain theformer eg- the latter rain. As if he thould fay thus : Thefe poor, people they depend up- on Cod for rain ; and is it not a itrange thing that they thould not fear Him ? Why, beloved, There is nor onedrop ofSpi ritual rai n,ordew ofGrace that fals upon theheart, but we live in dependance upon God fork; ihall not this., make us fear ? Again, befides, WhaiPeverferviceyon tender unto God on thitfideHeaven, it is all a rvaitiv upon God. And therefore, the Saints that terveGod,in Scripture they are laid to wait on God. (Mark I pray you) Our fervice is a waiting upon Cod : Fut thole that re ait on the Lord, Thal renew theirfirength Vales Ifaiah.) Now ifa man hear, that ifhe have nooyl in it his Iamp, he is loft forever; and there is noway to get oyl, but by letting his veffel under Gods Spout , andGods Ordinance 5 will not this make a man to wait upon Him ? Some there are that defer their Repentance, and they think to repent afterward, they think they fhall be able to repent afterward : Put now, when a foul Thal hear, that all is in a. way of Receiving; he mutt take it(therfore)when.Goddoes offer