Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Chrifls F lnefl received by all Saints. offer it 'thenhe concludes thus :Is it fo indeed, That al is in a way of Receivipg? ftrength to repent, 'tis by receiving? then wil I take while the Lord offers me ftrength : Oh ! I wil ne- ver defer my Repentance again,I wil nowwait upon God, and now while the Lord offers,now I wil take it. Thusyou fee this Doetrine is afriend untoall endeavour: All is in a way of Receiving no filch friend unto good endeavour as this Doetrine. .put you wil fay unto me. Why hath the Lord caftthings Quell - into this mould, That al fhould be in away of Receiving ? Eelides the Reafon, That mercy may be fore unto all Anfw. His fervants, which theywould loon fpend if it were in their own keeping (Mark I pray) There are thefe Two or Three Reafons of Gods Proceeding this way, That all Grace fhould be in a wayof Receiving. And the Firffis : That all Boafting, rejoycing, confidence T. Rea. in onesfilfmay betaken an, y. IfAbraham (faies Paul in the 4. ofthe Romans) were juftified by workr, he bath whereof to glory, thoughnot beforeGod: He hathwhereof to glory. But now, when all is in a way of Receiving, there's no room for Boafting. Mark therefore what is faid, in the I Cor. 4. 7. Who maketb thee to-differfrom another ? and what haft thou, that thou didft not receive ? Now if thou didjt receive it, why doeft thouglory as ifthou-badfl net receivedit. God cannot indure Boafting, cannot inclare Self, confidence, God cannot indure that man fhould glory in any thing in hirnfelf therefore all, all is in a way of Receiving. This is Gods. Reafoning. Again. God hath fo ordered things in the difpenfations: 2. Rea. ofHis &Grace under the Gofpel, That 7efos Chrift may be ful- ly Honored, Exalted. No fuch way to Honor Chrift as this, that all fhould come out ofHis hands, to be received from Him. Pray.? Was it not a great Honor to Mph in the time ofthe faminein Egypt, that nobread, but fhould come through his hands`? not acorn of grain but fhould come through his hands ? So here: when no grace, no ftrength, no aid, noafliflance, no fupplies 3 but all through the hand. on