Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Opened, andapplied,fromCHB.' srs Prieftly-Office. his grave with the wicked, and with the rich had his Deaths, I. faitah, 53. ver. 9. It is in the Plural Number in the Hebrew, though in your Englifh tranflation it is in the Singular. As ifthe holy Ghoti had called death, the Second death that our LordChriii had in fome meafure fuffered. For, if you confider things truly, and rightly, I beleeve you will find, that our Lord and Saviour Christ when he died, and was in his agony, he did not only indure the first, but the torments ofthe fecond death. He overcame nomore than he lubrnitted to : he overcame death by fubmitting to death. Now he overcame the feconddeath alfo, and there- fore in fome meafure fabmitted to the torments of it, fo far as he was capable. Lookwhat the fled Adam fhould have indured for his fin in thefall, that the fecond Adam now did induce in fome meafure for to take it off: The day that thou eateft thou .,1,7,alt die the death. It was not barely the cor- poral, and outward death, but it was the fecond death. Ifour Lord and Saviour Chrift did not indure the torments of the fecond death, the wrath ofGod upon his foul ; why didhe fweat drops of blood, and tremble, and shake fo, when he came todie ) There is many Saints, and Martyrs, when they come to die, they goskipping, and leaping, and rejoycing : and our Lord and Saviour, when he came to die, he fweats drops ofblood ; Cutely there was more than anoutward death : Oh ! the wrath of God, and the tor- ments ofthe fecond deathwas upon hisfoul. Thus obedi- ent he was,and this obedience of his, it wasvolontary, for he needed not to have died ; but he faw that God the father was difbononred bymans fin, and that poor man would be loft, and rather than that fhould be, he doesvolontarily offer himfelf unto this Obedience. Loe, I come (tales he) in the volum ofthebookit is writtenofme, I delight to do thy will, and thy Law is within my heart, Pfal. 40. 7, 8. Mark what an expreflion there is in that Pfalm, 'tis fpoken concerning Chrilt, as is plainly interpreted by the Apoille in the x o. oftheHebrews, at the 6. verfe. Sacrifice andoffering thou didft not defire, minecares bail thouopened (or bored.) The Apoftle C 2 when