12 The greatGofPel-Myftery of he Saintscomfort and boliner: when he tranflates thefe words, he tranflates them thus: My body haft tholeprepared. But readethem as they arehere in the Pfahn : Sacrifice and ofringthoudidji notelefireimine care haft thou bored. That as whena fervant was willing,to fig withhis Mailer, and to do him. yet more fervice the fer- van ts care was tobe. bored : So faies the Lord Chrill, I am as willing todo this work, to be thus obedient, as a fervent whole care is bored, is willing to flay withhis mailer : And mine care hail thou bored, (faies he) ah, here's obedience, here's obedience : this now did infinitly fatisfie God the Father ; Infomuch,,thatye may, fee what is faid, in that fame 5. of theEphefiany, andthe 2. verfe. Who bath loved Us, andgiven himfelffor us, anoffering, anda facrifice to God for a fweet fmellingfavour. The whol world it was ful of a clench before,. and the. LorcLwas difpleafed with man before:: bat nowwhen Chrift conies , andoffersup this facrifice, he did thereby give fnll fatisf&ion unto. God the father, for itwas a tweet fwelling-favour untoGod the Father. ,co; that thus the Father he wasfully fatisfied. To this I shall ad one word; When the Lord Jefus Chrift offered up himfelfa facrifice unto God the Father, and badour fins taidupon,him, be didgivemorepedalfatisfaelion unto Di- vine juftice for our fins than ifyou, and I, and all of us bad beendamned inHell unto all eternity. For a Creditor is more fatisfied, if hisdebt be paid him all down at once, than if it be paid by the week : Apoor niamthat cannot pay all down will pay a groat a week, or finpence a,week but 'tis more fatisfatlion to the Creditor to have all paid at once. Should we have been all damned, we fliould have been but paying the debt a little, and a little, and a little : but whenChrift paid it, he paid it all down toGod the Father. Hadwe gone to Hell, and been damned for ever, we had alwaies been fatisfyingof God, I but Godhad ne- ver been fatisfied : but nowwhen Chrift makes fatisfaai- on,Godwas fatisfiecl. The Creditor if he be,a merciful and agood man, is more truly fatisfied where the Debter is fparecl 5 hedoesnotdefirethatthe.Debterfhould.becaib into