Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Opened, andappljedfrons CHI STs Prieftly-Office. into prifon,and there lieand rot ; but heis better fatisfied with the fparingof the Debter ; let me havebut my Money, and fo the Debter be (pared I anrwilling, nay I defire it faies the good Creditor. Now if all we had bin raft into everlafting burnings, indeed the debt fhould have been°a paying,but there theDebter had been loft : But now when Chrift comes, andmakes fatisfa(tionunto Divine )(Ace, Ah 1. poor man is redeemed ; here is the Debter, fpared, And therfore, the Lord he is infinitly more fatisfied,bythe fatisfa&ion that Chrift madeupon theCrofs for our fins, than ifall we had gone to Hell, and beendamned tdall e- ternity'. Oh.! what a glorious, and bleffed fatisfaEtion did this our High-Psieil make unto God the Father ! But youwill fay then, if the Lord Chrifi made this full Quell. fatisfaElion unto God the Fober ; bow is it that Beleeverss many of them have their fins, and debts fianding upon the pore fiil , in their Confriencess foperplexed in regardof fins at, if there wereno fatkfallion at all made? Luther cals this afpeet offin, A- faciategious afpea, and Anfa,, beholdingof fin. As now, (faieshe) Ifa man take out of an holy place Tome goods, and bring them into his owne houfe; This is facraledge. So, for me to goand take my fins fromChrift, and lay them in mine own bofome, this is facraledge, faies Luther. But the reafon of it is this , Fecaufe that men do not study this Truth, but are ignorant of it As, fuppole that a man do owe,three. or four hundred pound to fhop- keeper, for wares, and commodities that he hathtaken up there: a friend comes, and he payethe debt, crofres the book: but the Debter, whenhe comes and looks upon the book, he is able to reade all the particulars; hem, for fuch a thing, and Item for fuch a thing, and Item,for fuch a thing ; but theman being not aquaintedwith the nature, ofcroffing the book, he is able to readeall the particulars, and he charges it ftill uponhimfelfe; becaufe he does not underhand themature of thiscroffing the book, and he is as much troubled how he fhall pay the debt, as if it were not-