The great Gofpel-Myflei, ofthe Saints vornfort and Iodine not paid at all. So now 'tis here, The Lord Jefus Chat, he hath come andcrofilt our book with his own blood: the fins are to be read in your own confciences, but we being not acquainted with the natureofChrilis fatisfaCtion, and the croffingof thebook, we chargeour (elves, as ifno fin at all werefatisfied for us : Yet when theLord Jefus Chrift was made an offering for fin upon the Crofs, then he did give full fatisfaaion unto Godthe Father. And that's the Third. Fourthly, This now hebath done as our great High-Priey, and in a more tranfeendant,andeminent way, than ever anyhigh. Prieft did before. For, though the High-Prieft did come, and make an atonement for a poor firmer, yet he himfelf wa s never made a facrifice; the Prieft offered up a facri- fice, but himfelfnever was madea facrifice. But ourgreat High-Prieft, does not onlyoffer up a facrifice, but Himfelf is madea facrifice. Yea, that facrifice, that was then in the times of the old -Teftament, it could not purge thecon- fcience ; not only, becaufe (as the Apoflle fpeaks) it was the bloodofbulls, and goats ::but becaufe the facrifice was performed fuccellively ; as thus, A man finned, then he brought a facrifice ; fins again,and then he brings another facrifice : and once every yeare, the High-Prieft goes into the holyofholieft tomake an atonement : But in themean while, a poor foul might think thus, What if I die before the year comeabout, .what will become ofme ? the High- Prieft, he goes once a year into the Holy ofHolyeft, and fprinkles the mercy-feat, but what will become of me if I die before that time ? But now, our great HighPrieft, he does not onlyoffer up a facrifice, and Mimi-elfthe facrifice3 but he offers up a facrifice rnce forall. (So faies the Apoftle) So that now, when a Chriffian hath finned, he is not to think ofa facrifice that is yet to come, a year hence but he is to look unto that which is donealready, a facrifice once sclered, and oncefor all : So that he needs not be in fufpence now, as theJewes were his Gonfckuce, it may be fully purged from fin. Again,