Thegreat Gofpel-Myftery of the Saintscomfort andholinei: and ofmeer compaffion for poor finners ? Is it not a com- fortable thing, that God the father is fatisfied, and fo your 2. fins pardoned ? Son (faies Chrift unto thepalfie man) be of good comfort, myfins areforgiven thee. He does not fay,Bc of good comfort, thy difeafe is healed : No, whetherthydif- cafe be healed, or whetherit be not healed,this is comfort, Son, thy fins are forgiven thee. If the Lord Jefus Chrift, hath fatisfied for-my fins (may abeleever fay) then whatfoever affliCtion I domeet withal, it does not come upon me as a punilhment (properly) it does not come upon me as an arreft for to pay my debt. When a Reprobateis (mitten, and afflifted, all hismiferies, they are arrefts for topay his debt. Hath the Lord Jefus Chrift fatisfied Divine Juitice, and God the father for me? then fitrely there afflietions they do notcome for me to make fatisfaCtion. Again, Ifthe Lord Jefus Chrift hath Cadged for my fins (may a beleever fay) then I (hall never- be Damned, I than never fall from grace. I have had many fears, that I fhould fall from grace, and fo go to Hell, and perifh at laft But ifthe Lord JefusChrifi hath fatisfied Divine Juftice formy fin, then God the father vvillnever punifh my finA- gain," for it was punifh't in Jefus thrift, therefore I can- not fall from grace, therefore I can never be Damned. And ifthe Lord ferns Chrift hath fatisfied Divine Jultice as our great High Firieft Then Luray come with boldnefs unto the Throne ofgrace. Adebtor, fo long as his debt is unpaid, hedares not come by the. -prifon door, by the Compterdoor he is afraid, ofevery Sergeant, -he isafraid ofhis triends, that they fhould be Sergeants: but when his debt is paid, then he dares go up and down withboldnefs. And fo the poor foul, when he knows that his debt is paid, and Ch rift hath fatisfied, then he may go with boldnefs un- to theThroneofgrace. But you will fay, I cannot, have the comfort ofthis, be- caufe I cannot fay that Chrift hath fatisfied for me : How Mainknow, that Jefus (Thrift is my High-Prieft,-fo as to have AINIMIONNIIIMINM.111