Opened, and applkd ,frons CHRISTs Priellly-mice. have fatisfied for me? Ah, ifI clici but know, that the Lord Jefus Chrift were my High-Prieft in this particular, fo as to have fatisfied for me, then fhould I havecomfort indeed: how chain difcover that ? Ivan afraid he hath not fatisfi- ed for me ? Andwhy notfor thee ? (man or woman) why not for thee? 44; I {hall tell you what I have heard concerning a young man, that lay upon his death bedf, and went to Heaven Whilehe was lying upon his death bed, he comforted him- (elf in this, That the LordChrift diedforfirmer: : Oh! bleffed be the Lord (hieshe) Jefus Chrift hath died for me. Sa- tan came in with this temptation to him; I but, young man,' why for thee ? Chrift died for finners, but why-for thee ? how canft thou make that appear, that Chri4 died for thee? Nay Satan (faies he) and why not forme.? Ah, the Lord Jefus, he died for fmners, and therefore, Satan, why not for me ? Sobeheld his comfort, and went up to Heaventriumphing. Sofay I to thee, poor drooping foul, that labours un- der Temptation ; Why not for thee ? why not for thee ? and fay fo unto Satan, Why not for me? Again, Chrifts fatisfaetion it lies open for all forts of finnersto comeunto it. As the promife,it runs indefinite- ly; and ifa man come to the prornife, and apply it; his very applying the promife does make it His. You fay, Oh ! that I did but know that the promifebelongs tome I fay, thy very refting upon the promife, makes it to be- long to thee. So, the fatisfaecionofJefus Chriff, this piece ofChrifts Prieftly Office, it liesopen for all forts of (inners for to come unto it : and your very refting upon it, and applying it toyour own foals, it makes it to belong unto you. Furthermore, If Jefus Chrift bewilling thatyou fhould think that he hath fatisfied for you, then it is no prefump- tiorrfor you to think (o. Now faies he at the Lords Sup- per, Take my blood that is jhed for thee, I apply it to thee. Behold thy King cometh unto thee. When he rode upon an f Affes .=.4