20 Thegreat Gorpel-Myftery ofthe Saint: comfort andbanal'? i. and ye ftrengthen alLthe branches. Faith is the Root- grace : now the knowledge, and the thorow degefting of this truth, That the Lord jefus Chrift it.our great High-Priell, in this point offathfatlion, it does wonderfully ftrengthen our faith. For, the more I know that God is willing, and and Chrift willing to thewmercy unto me, the more my faith-is ftrengthened : I know this, That every man is wil- ling to do the work ofhis office, ifhe be faithful : A Por- ter is willing to carry a burden; why ? beoaufe it is his of- fice todo it. It is the office ofJefus Chritt, for tobear our fins : ishis Office tobe the great High- Prieft, that does fa- tisfie God the Father for our fins : Surely therefore, he is willing to do it, for he is faithful in his office. But befides , Themore I fee an holy Neceffity upon chrifl 7e- fa , for tofhon, mercy to me, the more myfaitbrifes. (It's very remarkable) TheLord Jefus Chrift; a$ God, he may refufe, and might refufe, whether he would (how mercy tous or no : But now, as a High-Prieft, he cannot refufe a poor firmerthat does come unto him. If I know that Chrift is able to fatisfie, is able to (how mercy to me, my faith ftirs a little,at the fight ofthriftsability; IfI know that Chrift be willing to :how mercy to me, my faith rites higher : but if I know, that Chrift canotreface me, if do come unto him,then my faith riles up`to a great height indeed. When a poor :inner among* theJews, had finned, and brought his facrifice tothe High-Prieft, thePrieft might not refufe it : Our Lord Jefus Chrift is our great High- Prieft; I fay, as God he may refute, but now, he being our great High- Prieft, when a poor &liter comes toJefus Chri(l, as a High-Prieft he cannot refufe : Oh! what a great ftreng- theningis this to faith ! Strengthen faith, and you ftreng- then all : the right underftanding of this truth , cloth wonderfully firengthen faith.' Further, The more a man is .ingaged to jefthr- Chriff, and takeer hirnfelfto be ingagedto him, the more HoY he it : the more a manfees himfelffreed from fin by Chrift, the more he t akes him- felito,be4ngaged to Chriff for; eeing ofhjmfrom his.fin.. Now thin