22, The great Gorpei-Myfiery ofthe Saintscomfort andholinefl: 1[1 them, and that one day they (hall be Hainby the hand of Saul, fuch a lug, fueh a corruption. Nowonder that we have thefecomplaints, when we donotgo unto the Itore- houfe of comfort, and grace that the Lord hath fet open forus. The Priefily office of Chrift, it is the great Maga- zine, and Storehoufe, ofall that gracerand comfort which' we have on this fide heaven : ifye do not go unto it, is it any wonder that ye want comfort, or that yewant grace ? I appeal to you now ; are there not Come nay, many that never went to JefusChrift as their High-Prieft to this day ? Ah, are there not force even Profeffors, that do not know what the Priefily Office of Jefus Chritt tneanes ? Oh ! No wonder (poor Conic) fo uncomfortable, no more (length againft thy temptations. If the State thould appoint a man for to,relleve poor, maimed fouldiers, that go a beg- ging : if they meet with the fame man that isappointed by theState,and they begof him in the timers as an ordina- ry man , he relieves themnot : but now, if they come un- to him, as a man appointed by theState for reliefeof Inch, then he relieves them according to the du tyofhis place, So it is with men, theygo toChrift in anordinaryway, they do not go to Chriftas the great Lord Treafurer ofall our graces, as our great High-Prieft, they do notgoonto him as inoffice, let up in office by God the Father for fuch re- liefe: they do not addreffe themfelves to ,him as their High-Prieft to make fatisfattion for them, and therefore they go away and have no relief. Ent would we have more ftrength againft corruption ? would we walkmore comfortably in our courfe ? would we find the wales of God,- Ordinances, andduties more fweet and comfortable to our fouls ? then reade, and confiderthat place in the Canticles, 2. 3. As the apple.tree among thetrees cf the wood,fi) if my beloved among the_Pols Uwedown under his filoaelowwith great delight, andhis fruit was fweet unto my tafi. The fpoufe fpeaks it concerning Chrill. What is this fruit ofChrift ? Your juflification, Adoption, Vocation, Sanetification, Confolation, it is al the fruitofChrift : All your own Du- ties,