Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

258 Evangelical Repentance. And Seventhly, The more ofthe Gofpel, the Kingdom ofHeaven, is in your Repentance: The more your hearts, and fpirits will be rneekned; and fweetned, towards the Saints, towards your fellow Servants the people-ofGod, What is the Gofpel but a dead Chrilt ? As lefus Chriit was a living Gofpel : So theGofpel is a dead Chrift. When the Gofpel approaches, when the Kingdom of Heavendraws neer to a foul, and Chrili therein ; the heart is meekned, and made like to Chrift. The Law is called a fiery Law, the Lawof fire ; Compared unto Hagar ; And faies the Apoille, Thechildren ofthe bond-woman, will perfecute the childrenof the free-woman, of Sarah. And what's the reafon that there is fo much bitternefs among Profoifors ? but becaufe there is no more of the Gape', and of theKingdom of Heaven, in our Profeifiun. Belo- ved in the Lord : Ye fee into what fad times of Difcord, and Bitternefs we are now brought : As ever you do defire to be free from this fpirit of Bitternefs : as ve do defire that ye may nor have a hand in oppofing your fellow-fervants, and atting a fpirit of bitternefs towards the Children of God : Oh ! labour for moreof the Gofpel, get moreof it into your Repentance, and into your Obedience : Oh ! let us labour to be more Evangelical than ever we have been. I had need call upon my own heart for this : and give me leave to meafure your own hearts by mine. &loved .1 I don't now come tocall for Repentancebarely, butIcome this night unto you, callingfor refined Repentance, Gof- pel- Repentance : there are refining times : your pablick Worfhip refin'd, the Government refin'd : Chriftians had need refine all their Duties, and' all their Graces, and all their Comforts, and all their Affarance : wehad need e- ven take our whole garment, and look intoevery feame, brufb every feame, there is fo much dull gotten into it. Ohl labour, labour to be more Evangelical, toget more ofthe Gofpel ofChrift intoall your Duties. The Gofpel is the Miniftrationoflife : And the MiniftratiowoftheLaw; IOW