Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

Evangelical Repentance. 2 59 is called the Miniftrationofdeath. TheMiniflration of the Gofpel, called the Ministration of righteoufnefs : the Mi- niiration of the Law, is called the rvliniftration of Con- decnnation TheGofpel, is called a Glorious Gape], a Glorious Gofpel : asye do defire that Glory may be upon you, get moreof this Glorious Gofpel into you : moreof the Gofpel into all your Duties, into your Repentance : Which that you may do : Now even Repent, that ever you have been fo Legal in your Repentance. A man will never be Evangelical in his Repentance, that does not in Come meafure, grieve that he path been fo Legal in his Re- pentance. And to end all : Ifat any time, Man or Woman, thou dolt find thy heart dead, and dull, and faieft thou canft not pray, thou art unapt , and thy heart's hardened : Then go, go to theword of the Kingdom, go to the Gofpel, go, lay out thy foul before the word Of the Gofpel : coaIider the Kingdomof Heaven, theword of the Kingdom, freere- mtfrionunto poor (inners ; and this is the only way for to break your heart : for certainly, this is a truth that I have fpread before you, (thinkof it :) The appropinquation, approaching, or drawing neer of the KingdomofHeaven ; is the higheft, and the greatett motive in the world unto true Repentance.