26 The great Gofpel-Myftery of the Saintscomfort andWine": yers, and interceffions, untoGod, to accept of it for the fins of the people. As we (hall find, in that fame 16. of Liviticw : After the facrifice was kill, the Prieft was to take the blood ()fit, and fprinkle it with his finger upon the Mercy-Seat ; as we reade in the 14. verfe. And at the 12. and 13 He fhall take a Cenfer full of burning coals offire fromof the Alter before the Lord, andhis handsfull offweet in- cenfe beaten final", and bring it within the vaile ; And hePall put the incenfe upon thefire before the Lord, that the cloudof the mcenfe may cover the Mercy-Seat. He was to caufe a cloud ofincenfe to arife upon the Mercy-Seat. All which was a greatType of the Prayers, and. Interceffions of Jefus Chrift: who having once offered up himfelfa facrifice for our fins, hath carried the blood, and the vertue of it into Heaven, there fprinkled theMercy-Seat, and there£till byhis Inter- ceffionsdoes appear for us; As his proved at large, in the 9. Chapter of thieEpiftle to theHebrews, i z. and 12 verfes Btu Chrili being come an High-Priefi ofgood things to come, by a greater andmore perfeEt Tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to fay, not ofthis building: Neither by the bloodofgoats and calves : but by his own bloodhe entered in enceinte the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. And at the 24. verfe : For Chrifi is not entered into the Holy places made> with hands, which are the figures ofthe true, but into Heaven it filf; 300 to appear in thepretence of God for us. And ifyoudirely confider this book of the Hebrews, you will find, that this, workof Chrifts Interceffion, is TheEffential work of his Priefily-Office : it feems rather to go beyond the for- mer, than to fall fhort ofit. Hebrews, theig. Chapter and the4. verfe. For ifhe wereon earth, he lbould not be a Priefl. That is, look as it was in thetimes ofthe old Teftament : ifthe Prieft had onlyoffered a facrifice, and had not gone intcethe holyofholieft with the blood thereof, fprinkling the Mercy-Seat,praying, anel interceding that it might be accepted for the fins ofthepeople, the Prieft had not done theworkoftharieft, > and fo he had not beena compleat -Prieft.: So new, (faitstheApoitle) ifJefiesChrift ladonly offeral