THE TABLE. Page All things arepoffible to him that beleeves 214 See Fear andUnion Bleffings Some bleffings are more common than others 16o See God Boldnefs Saints may come with boldnefs to the throne ofgrace, and why 24 C Care fee Beleevers Chrift Chrifts care over weakones 4 Christ condefcends to man Chriit ar &indafter death as be- fore 6 Chrift is above Mores 10 Chrift bath paid all our debts II Chrift it the defireofall nations 'bid Spendingfor Chrifi maky men receive fromChrift 16 Why Christput on Our flefh 22 Chrit givesfreely 27 HowChrlit isfullyhonoured 61 AllcomesfromGhriii 63 Chrift is Cornrnigioned by his Father Chrifts willingneg to lave fin-. ners 224 Christ moji 'willing to lave the greatefl finners ibid Page Chriftdraws neer to tbofe that are not fenfible of their fins 226 Chrift orders things fo that no jlefh myglory 230 See Love, Holinefs, upbraid, Want, Glory, Prophetical, Prieftly, Kingly-office, U- nion, Grace, Wiilingnefs, Work, Happinefs, Al fu ffi- ciency, Grace, Honour, Spirit, Throne. Civil Meerly Civil men are not an- fcrerable to thegrace of Chrifi 122 Chriflian fee Spirit Comfort The Comforts ofthe Saints are fure 158 Comfort is brought in to men before theyfeelsfor it 223 Contention All Contention arifith from fcantinefl 47 Converfion fie moment Creator Menshouldomit shemfilves un- to God as unto a Creator that works, out ofnothing 177 ebt fee Chrift Death thefintence of Death put upon bidingandthe means to ob- tain