Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE TABLE. Page graceforhimielf,but forothers 23 ! The grace of God may be gain- fayed, but zt cannot be over- come 30 Chrift is the univerfal caufe of grace 31 Grace is givenout by proportion 32 All grace comes in a way ofre- ceiving 46 Grace isfupernatural 54 All is fromgrace 66 Difference between the times of the Law, and the timer of Grace 77 Grace ismuch oppofed 86 See Boldnefs,Retinue, my- fiery, Abundance, advance Guilt ought not to keep a man fromChrifi 12 ..4 H Happinefs The happines ofa man inChrifi 123 Hypocrits not anfwerable to the grace ofChrift 123 FUlneflOfHol}nes in Chriji 6 See Gofpel Hon, wefhouldhonor God 107 I Ignorance Ignorance ought not to keep a manfromChrifi 12 Page Incouragements Incouragements to Saints 164 Infiifficiency, fee Nature K Kingdom Kingdom of Heaven, what it is 247 how 'Kingly Office of Chrifi , wronged See Fulnefs L Law, fee Gofpel A Legal fpirit relifbeth argu- ments bell that are drawn from hell & the wrath ofGod 247 The Lives of the Saints are very pleafant 65 Long-fuffering Chriflians ought to wait upon o thers witb Long-fuffering. Love 235 IThere'safulnefl oflove in Chrift 4 Wherein the fulneg of Chrifrs love confifis 5 The love ofChrifi draws men to him 40 The love between Chrift & chri- plans defcribed 117 Love caufeth Love 247 Lulls Cod doth not give to fupply our lulls but our wants 1851 M