Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE TABLE. Page esetat Man Man unable to rife when he is fallen 5 0 Man cannot jiandofhimfelf 51 What it is that caufetb men to ufe indireti means 189 Mercy The more mercy a man fins a- gainft,the greater is hisfin.87 See Death My fiery The great myitery of Grace de feribed 82 Moment Converfion done ina Inoment.54 IVIofes, fee Chriit Name The Saints ought to lift up the Name ofChriji 106 Names of Chrift, and the reafon ofthem 951 Nature The Infufficiency ofNature af: certed 49. 92 Natural fee Powers Negle& fee Opportunity 0 Obedience Duties' of Obedience are not ta- ken an by faith 58 Office Page The Saints imitateChrift in his Offices 120 Opportunity Opportunitiesmuji not be neg. idled 237 Oppofed fee Grace Powers All natural Powers rife againft Converfion God will have his Power feen 156 Pray We ought to Prayfor whatfoever Gracewe have 56 Prefumption 'Tis no Prefumption to take a thingwhen 'tiegiven 188 Preparation Preparation to good comes from God 52 Priefily-Office How the Priefily-office of Chrifi is wronged 18 See Fulnefs Prophane Prophase men are not anfwera- bk to thegrace ofChrift 122 Prophetical-Office How the Prophetical Office of Cbrill is wronged See Fulneli c, Promife So much as we r. eft upon .4 ,pro. fo ,muchofit WC snake ours