Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE TABLE. Page our own i6 It is a hard thing to give the a- ffirmative to a bare promife 165 Wehave the promife ofourfore- fathers 133 See Death Pag e The reafon wby no more men re- ' pent than do 252 The benefits ofEvangelical Re- pentance 255 Retinue The Great RetinueofGrace Si S Saints R ebellions Saints muff be contented in fuf- Chrifi receivedgifts for the Re- ferings 129 bellious 41 See Chaff, Gofpel, Eeleevers Redeemed Fulnefs Who are the redeemed of the Scantinefs fee Contention Lord,andwhy 154 Self. Reliance All felf-boafringis hateful toGod Encouragements to Relianceup- 6i on God in Chrifi 170 Sheep Remiffion We are all as loft Cheep 223 Remiflion brought neer to people Sentence fee Death before they at all makeafter it Services proved 220 Allour Cervices in this worldare Repentance our waitingupon Cod 6o What Repentance is 216 - Spirit Repentance both Legal and E- The fame Spirit that was in v angelical ibid Chrifi is in Chriflians 119 Repentance brought neer topeo- Sin fee Mercy ple before they mak af ter it ---- 2231 How many wales Repentance i Throne is known 242 Chriji bath a throne on earth. What caufeth Repentance ibid 120 Repentance is a fruit offaith Treafury, fee Grace 24% Trait Difference between Legal and E- TPe ought to truft in Godfor e- vangelical Repentance 248 ver 236 See