THE. ,TA, See God V Ungodly, fee God Union What the union between Chrift andEeleevers is 211 Union between Chrift and men how it is taken 65 The union between Chrift and the Saints is very glorious. ''5 Univerfal Univerfal caufes feldom produce particular effet s, without the concurrence ofparticular cau- fes 31 Upbraid Chrift upbraids not men with fin 4 Page Wait ing,fie Service Way, fee Difficul ties Want Page All that want fl ould come to Chrift 12 Wheels Fear and love are the wheels of every Motion 59 Willingnefs Chrifis willingnefs to communi- cate Grace to the foat of men 25 Our wiliinefs to receive proceeds from Chrifts willingnefs to give 27 Wonderful God will be known by his name Wonderful 187 Work No power in heaven nor earth an let chrifl s work 28 World Rearon why the goods of this world fatisfie not the foul of man 35 I Who are the worlds darlings 233 FINI J....A...ft e