*4(4_4-* 3segoispaalt MiEREEE To the Reader. Thought good togirve thee no tire, That theft Sermons were taken from the Authors mouth when be preached them, and fo were tbofe alfo that were lately publi[bed ; the feveral titles whereofyou mayfee in the I Margin of this Epifile : A word is foon forgotten, but what is written remains, andmay doyou, your children, and childrens children good ; and this is the intent and defire of the Author. When you view this mite of his, you may fee fometbing of Chrin in it, let it beyour care to fee what you canfinde of Cbrill inyour fel-ves : Know ye not that Jefus Gila is in you, except ye be Reprobates ? This Work adrvifithyou,not to refl upon No- tions, for thenyou do no other then feed A Z your The Titles of the feveral Pieces that are lately pub- lifhed of Mr. William Bridge. The firll Volumn. r. The great Gelpel-212y- fiery of the Saints Com- fort and Holinefs, opened andapplyedfromChrifis PriefilyOffice. 2. Satan power to tempt, and Chrifis love to, and care of his people under temptation. 3. Thankfulnefs required in every condition. The fecond Volum. I 1. Grace for Grace, or the overflottings of Chrifis fulnefs received by all Saints. 2. The Spiritual aClings of Faith through Natu- ral Impoilibilities. 3.evangelical repentance.