Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

your precious fouls with fancies, winch ts as un- fitting, and more dangerous foodforyourfouls, then the busks were for the Prodigals body : 'Tis a Beal Chrift, not a NotionalCha, muftfatisfieyour fouls : We all know there is fore ofgold in the India's, but we are nervier the richer for it, un- let's we bwve it in poffefiion ; neither is it our hear= ing ofCbrill, nor our knowing there is a Chrifr, but our balling of Chr if} in poffefiion that bene- fits ourfouls 1 Haft thou a proudheart ? readthis ! Book, and it will teach thee humility ; Hafl thou a defpairing heart ? read this Book, and it will teach thee to believe ; Haft thou a legal heart ? read this Book, it will teach thee to be Ervange- lkal ; Haft thou aficure heart ? read this Book, it will teach thee to be Watchful; Haft thou a fraard heart ? read this Book, it will teach thee to be meek : If thou 1)2ouldfi come to Cbrifi with a Budget ofduties upon thy Ihaulders 'fold Adams proudprinciple) then thou muft not look here, for belabors toempty thee ofthy own righteoufrefs,and fend thee naked to Iefus Chi ifl,who came not to call the righteous, but dinners to repen- tance : Ifthou looked/for quaint ipecula tions and eloquent exprefiions of humane 1}2ifdom, which ad- I minifler as little comfort to the Pallor, as edify-1 cationl