I To the READER. ICation to the people; in truth here's nothing to ipleaft fantafliced ears with whinifeys, it was nei- ther .token nor written for any fu.eh intent ; the lwords mere fpoken for edification, and were (by the defire of friends) writtenfor thefame intent : then thou lorvell plain dealing, and to benefit thy foul, read, and this Book will teach thee to lea-ve thefuccej3 to God ; When Paul bathplant- ted; and Apollo bath watred,' tie God mull girve the increafe : Art thou a firmer ? here is mercy for the?, here is Chriff for thee : At t thou a drun- kard ? here's vater of life for thee, which if thou drinkefl, thou fhalt never thin fl again : Art thou covetous ? here's riches for thee, Ipiritual riches, durable riches that will not fade : Art thoupro - phane ? read this, and it mill teach thee to be holy Art thou a faint here is comfort for thee, even the holy Spirit the comforter Art thou in dark net ? here is lightfor thee, Jefus Chrif the true light, that lightens every one that comes into the World, He /hall be ten times more conftant to thy foul, then thefun in the Fir - mament : Art thou weak in parts ? weak in Fairh weak ingrace ? readthis Book, and (ifthe Lord be pleajed to fpeak to thy foul) here'sflrengtb for thee, even the mighty God : At thoupoor ? here's Chrifl