Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

TOtheREADER. Chrift, and the earth is his, and the fuinefs thereof, it is laid up in his band for thee, it is thepurchafe of his blood, he bath bought it for thee, 'tis thy on and he doth but keep itfor thee, and thou mayeRgo boldly to himfor it; though thou at loath to borrow,, and afbarned to beg, yet thou mayefigo boldly for thy own. This Book (courte- ms Reader) will teach thee to depend on God, to wait on Chr for all: Hefeeds theyong Koens, be tends the Sparrows, he cloatbs the Lillies, there- fore be lure he will not let his children want,' what- pryer forms be without: Keep Chrift,' and thou (halt harve Peace, yea, the Princeof Peace within ; then thou (halt harve peace when all the world is in trouble, .then thou 'halt be keptfafe in the hour of temptation, which [hallcome to try all tbofi that live upon the face ofthe earth :Prepare a dacefor the Lord jefus Chrifl in thy heart, and he willprorvide a Manfion for thee in his Fathers 'mule, where thou /haltfin no more, norfurrow no more, but God Mall wipe away all tears from thy eyes : Always remember, thou baphere no abiding place, but feekef one to come : This ( courteous Reader) is the courf and aim of the Author in this Treatifefor thy benefit, be fpends hisfpirits,1 that thou mayeil be happy, that thou mayelt grow up