Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

To the READ ER up from itrength to strength, till thou emelt to be a perfenman in Jefus Chrift ; and this all° is the earneft defire and prayers of him to ,almighty God, for thee, who is, andAnil always remain, Thine to lrve andferrve in the Gofpel, VVilliamGreenhil. READER, Hough there be other literal faults, and come redundant its and there's, yet you will pleafe to mend them with your own pen, and confider the Authors abfence from the Picts. Errata. PAge 6. line 4. for them read it. p. 9.1.1s dole not. p. i o. 1. a. for proxi r. proxim eni'. p.21.1. 33. for and made alive, r. and not made alive. p 31, 1.z 5. for into the world, r. into the other world. P.37.1.29. tide me. p,44. dele (pelt. Anfw. in the Margint.; o dole but. p.51,1.25. for prey r. praife. p.75.1. 5. dcle fo is Chrift. p 76.1.15. for but if, r. for it is 1. i6. for dwell r that dwelleth. p.77. 1. z6. for frniles r. fmiled. and far in 1.294 ;. r, into.p.8 i,1. 29. for their r.there, p.83.1.20. after the words of Chuff, adde barely. p. r or. 1. 8. for Moles r. Iothu2.p,xo 3.1.34. for Legi r. Lege.p o5.1.12. for firfi r.laft. p. to8. 1. t 2. for Dominus & reginse r. Domina & regina.p./o9. Li 3. dole two pa 99.1.13. for rigorous r. vigorous.