THE CONTENTS Innanted in i. Repentance a. Ildortincation 3. Obedience 34 3. ObjeEtioni Jlnfwered 34.35 4. What there is in free 'unifi- cation by faith, that cloth ad- vance our byline i. the more a man forfas his own good for Chrift, the more is Chrift engaged to give bit good to him 36 2. God cloth neverfuller any man to pail under relation but he writes the Law of that relation in his heart ibid 3. The more a man agrees withGod, thefitterhe is to walkwith God 36 4. As by reeking "unification by works, a man is eftated in the covenant of works,fo by feekingNification by faith alone, a man is efta- tedin the covenant ofgrace 37 Application. Hence wefee the reafon why men are no more gracious. 39 ObeEt. I fear my obedience was never right,becaufe I have turned a- fide to a covenant ofworks,. Anfwered 41 CbjcEt. Page 33 ibid Page My obedience .7's not right be- caufe it isfi little Anfwer I. Doeft thou limit thy felf ? 42 2 Doefi thou oppofe them that have much ? ibid °Vicar My obedience is not right be- caufeIdo notfind the vifible charatIers of 7uflification, upon my San6lification Anfwered. I. Doe thou mourn for fin be- caufe 'tis pardoned ? 44 2. Is there a meeting ofall gra- ces in thee ? ibid Objeft. Suppofe Ihave not flood cker frommy own doings in mat- ter of"unification, howpall I dot° do it Anfwered. I. Be humbled in the fight of God 46 2. Studymuch the tranfatlion ef things between God the fa- ther and 7efiu Chrift ib. 3. Acquaint your fouls with the difference heween the cove- nant of work and the cove- nant of race ibid 4. Whenyour duties are highefl let your foals go beyond them ibid 5. When they are lowell you B 2 have