Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

The great Gofpel-Myftery oftheSaint:comfort andbolinefl his Caufe as long as there is no danger, but no longer. But now, here, we have a friend in Heaven, that will ap- pear for us, and own ourCaufes, and our fouls, and in all conditions appear for us. That is the Fir& 2. Secondly, Hedoth not only appear for us; but by ver- tue ofhis Prieftly Office, he does carry the power, merit, and vertueofhis blood into the prefenceof God the Father in Heaven , and fprinkles the Mercy-Seat with it (even times. 'even is a noteof PerfeEtion. Thole that Chrift fuffe- red for, he does Intercede for. He takesall their bonds, and he carries them in untoGod the Father, and he faies, Fa- ther, I have paid thefe bonds, I have paid this debt, I have fatisfied thy Juftice for thefe poor finners ; and nowmy de- fire is, that they may be acquitted from thefe bonds, and from thefe debts. This alfo is remarkable in that 9. Chap- ter of the Hebrew", i t, 12. verfes. 3. Thirdly, He doth not only carry the power, and venue ofhis blood, and prefent it to God the Father for our dif- charge : but he does alfo plead our Caufe in Heaven, an- fweringunto all thole accufations that arebrought agiinft us. And therefore we may reade what the Apofile faies in the S. ofthe Rom. 33. ver. Who Pall lay any thing to the charge ofGods Elect ? it it Godthat ullifles, who jibe that condemnetb? it it Chrifl thatdied, yea, rather that he it rifen again who it e- venat the right handofGod, who alfo maketh interceflionfor us. Upon this ground theApofile fpeaks thus; Who (hall con- demn them ? JefusChrift isat the right hand of God the Father, to take off all accufations, that (hall be brought a- gainit them. Let theWorld condemn, let kinfercondemn, let Satan condemn; Jefus Chrift is at the right hand of God the Father, to take off all accufations that than be railedagainft them. Concerning this there is a deer and full irniance in that notable Scripture the3. Chapter ofZa- chariab, and the i. vide, We find Satan standing at the right hand ofjofbua to refift him. He(hewed me Jothua the fianding before the Angel of the Lord, and Satan (landingat hisright handto refifi him. It was the cuflomeof the