THE CONTENTS. Page have an opportunity to Eland diger from them 47 SERMON III. Gal. 2. 20. DoEtrine. Every true beleever that Peek yuflification by faith alone is a felf-dnyingperfon 5o Explication. What it isfora manta deny himfelf Anfwered 51 2. Whereby it may appear that the Go works thisgrace in the heart ofman Anfwered. 1, If:the Law cannot do it theGoftel mull 52 2. He that lives under the Gofpel is of a difpofition contrary to the world 53 3. He is tender of intren.. ching upon Gods preroga- tive 51. 4. The more truly a man re- pents the morefenfible he isof his own unwirthinef? ibid An oVeEtion. How doth the Gofpel only do this, feeing moral men, Hea- thens andPapiftshave fpoken and written much for andfelf-denial. Anfwer I Though they be humble, yet they are proud of humility. 56 2 'Tis only in fomeparticulars ibid He is ruled by reafon,andnot by thefpirit ibid 4 There is 720 myflerie in it, as there iS in a Chrifiians;,For A Chrillian cries outwhat fhall he do to be laved : andyet he expeqs not to be faved by doing 57 2 He accounts himreV than the leafi of all Gods mercies, andyet be thinks God loath done more for him than if he hadgiven him all the world ib. 3 He prizes every duty though neverfo finalhand yet counts all dung in re- ffejf of7efuu Chrifl ib. 4 He looks upon himfelf as thegreatefi offanners 9 6- yet would not change con- dition with a Drunkard, &c. for all the world. ib . 5 He mourns under reproa- ches : andyet triumphs over them lb. 6 He counts all be doth no thing : andyet praifeth Godfor every thing lb - 4 What Page 3