Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE CONTENTS.' Page 4 What there is in the Co 112elt bring a mans heart to this frame Anfwered The more of Gods glory a man fees, the morebumble he is 58 2 Memore felf-denial a man fees in Chrift, the more be denies himfelf 6o 3 The more a man fees him- felf a debter to Chrifi , the more humblebe is 61 4 When. Gbrift comes into the fottle all other things muff out ib. Application. Howhard a thing it is to Be- leeve. 62 Reply We hope we all havefaith Anfwer Are there notfome that, I Cannot deny themfelves in outwardthings 64 2 Seekthenefelves infliritu- al things ib. 3 Stint themfelves in the fer- vice of God 65 4 Prefcribe wajes to the Lord ibid 5 Have _Prange repetitions to themfilves ib. 6 Were never fenfible of their owne pride in flirituall things 6.6 Page Motives to Self-denial The moreyoudeny yourfilves in ,iritual things, thefiver you (hall be to keep them. 68 2 The morehumbleyou will be in other things 69 3 The moreyou denyyourfelves inPiritual things, the more ye Pall be exaltedin them. Howmay webe able to deny our (elves infliritual things Jefleli upon thy kit-is in every duty thou performeft. 70 2 Obferve much the incomes of the Spirit of the Lord upon thyfoul 71 3 Study the wayof the COel much ti SERMON IV Gal. 2. 20.. .D.ofttine Chrifl is in beleevers Explication How Chrig may befaidtiN in a beleever 1. By way of'rower ib., 2. By wayof prefince- 3. In regardo e fTence lb. 1 4. By way offpiritual feft ation 74 ji