TOE CONTENTS. Page fellation 75 5. By way ofperfonal union ibid Obje&ion Then a beleever may fay, I am Chrifl A awered L This union is a voluntary not a natural a6-1 78 2. It is by contaEt, not by coin- pofition ibid 3. It is by application, not by mixture 79 4. There is a great difference be- tween the in-being ofa fpiri- tual thing in a material, and the in-being of one material thing in another ibid. Cbje&ion What difference is there between this union and and the hypo- flatical union? Anfwered I Though we are unitedyet are we not of inned Si 2 There is no perfonal 'Union. ibid 3 It is accidental ibid 4 it is only to mare barn a mem- ber ofthe body, not a lIdedi- ator 82 Obieer. How Cloth it appear that ChriJl is really in the foul of a Be- leever ? Page Faith lodes hold upon chrifl Hirnfelf 83 2 Chrifl is in a Beleever as a Beleever is in Chrifi- ibid 3 How would there eife be three that bear witnef? ib. What benefit comes from this ? A Beleever all have glori- ous Communion with Chrifi 84 2 Chrifi's love is infinite to- wards Beleevers 85 3. A Beleever loath fomething more than any Hypocrite can attain unto ib. 4 Then a beleever fhiall never fpiritually die again 86 5 He may come with boldneffe to the Throne ofGrace. ib. Application I Admire at the unffeakable love ofChrifi 87 2 No wicked man dares to op poje any of the people of God 88 3 Abundance ofcomfort to he-i kevers ibid 1 I fear Chrifi is not in me, be- caufe Ido not findhim work- ing inme A n t Whore feryants are they that ordinarily come into and go t out