Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE CONTENTS. Page out ofyour flub. ? 89 2 Doyoufindyourfouls informe mealure naturalized to the work of Chriff ? ib. 3 Didyou everfind that Chrift was inyou ? 90 4 Do you not find fome work ings of grace , according to that flation you have in the body ofChrift ? Duties flowing from hence. I Why fhould that meddle with any thingt ' is diflafijul to Chrift 1 93 2 Why fhouldwe not be conten- ted with our condition what., fever it be ib. 3 W{y ficould we not venture upon any fervice of God alltbough it be beyond our firength 94 Exhortation. Labor to get afbare in this great mercy 95 SERMON V Gal. 2. 20. DoEtrine Chrift bath a greater hand in the#iritual anions of a be- leever than himfelfe bath. 98 Page Explication I Chrift liveth in each Beleever ibid Obje&. What need then have they ofOr- dinances ? Anfwered Obe&. What need ofTeaching ? Anfwered 1C2 2 Row it may appear that Cbrifi liveth fa in each Beleever that he bath a greaterhand in his aflions than binifelf I By fcripture 104 2 By inftarices, in our Converfion 205 2 Performences ib. 3 Obedience io6 4 Suffering ib. 5 Afurence ib. Heafon Becaufe man Amidnot have wherein to boafi i o6 Gbjeacion. Surely tbee. arefewbeleeversin the world Anfwered 107 Qiteilions propounded I. What doh ordinarily /may the great anions. of your lives ? tog 2. Doyoufind a fecret difpofiti- on to all the Cornmandements ofGod ? b. 3. Do youfinclyourpils Lau:- ed 100