5.41m magratAramaanwa ey.f, eyr3 ev) c)i.p ey1.3 ,e,-",10)e);-!zi - c,,,c) A ,`I's -,P4r, A A r,te, A 4. T H E CONTENTS Of the WOMAN Of CANAAN Sze. OnMatthew, 25. 21,22,23)24)25,26727128. Page 4@a4 Ivifion ofthe text I. From whence arifi came 198 D Obfervation None more rigorous oppofers of ofthe Goffrel than learnedmen 199 2. Whither he went ib. Obfervation The wonderful diffrenfation of God Zoo 3. Theplaintive, a woman 201 Obfervation iffaitb be trueit laies afide all ones own righteoufnefl 4. Herfrit temptation 202 Obfervation It is no new thing for helemers to have no prefent vifible an- fiver of their prayers 204 If this temptation fall upon you, do asfhe did I. floe Hill acknowledged) Page be was able to help her ib. 2. Tbatit is his Office to help ib. 3. She cloth not refs upon her own duty ib. 4. Shepropounds her mi. ferY ib. 5. She continues praying 205 5. Herfeeond Temptation ib. Obfervation I. Amans temptations may rife higher after prayer; and yet he pray aright 2o6 2. Gods dealing with man may sometimes run crofsto his promifir lb. y. Godspeople may be temp- ted about their elellion 4. When a Saint isfo temp- C ted