Houston-Packer Collection BV4253 .B85 1649 .B85 1649

THE CONTENT Page ed to what is good beyond yourown diftofition ? 109 4. Do you findyour foul is car- ried to what is good beyond what is intended I ib. 5. Were you never perfwaded that Chrifel lived in you ? x ro Praetical Meditations. i. Now I fee the in-being of Chrill in,thefoul is no fancy 112 2. Here's a vafl difference be- tween a godly and a wicked man ibid 3. What delperateneflis it to op- Page pole the Saints ofGod ibid 4. What an evil it is for a Saint to fay his duties are by- pocrifie 113 5. What reafon a beleever bath to be thankefit! to God ibid 6. What an engagement here is for apoor beleever to come to duty though his heart be dead ibid 7. What heavenly lives belee- versfhould lead 114 8. We allfhould admire the in- finite love of aryl ibid ..............awalmaaraso Rama.. taws.%Oslo Irmo. moneeamissecassa Imenswer..mas THE