THE CONTENTS. Page How is itfomany of his dear fervants have fain in there late wars 4.Infirered Applic. Behold a Alter in time of a ftoran 13 Whom Godbath. - by promife engaged to hide, I Thofe that hide the saints ofGod 2 Thofe that keep the-word ofGodspatience 15 3 Thofe thatfear not the fears ofnien - ibid 4 Thofe that are flcurifhing in Religion, not ithftan- ding oppofition 16 5 The Meekof the'earth ib. Do6i. 3 Though Godbe willing tohide his people, yet many times he leaves them at gnat uncertainties - 17 I) i& 4 When God( wrath is abroad and his people know not What will become of them, then effecially it is their duty to feekGod 19 Objet'. But the wrathofGod is pacified towards us Anfwered wad it were Three lic(!,liws why it is not I The plague is begun 20 2 We are fo angry one withanother 3 The formerfins cad hath been plinifhing for all this while, live fill ramongff us 1 Idolatry, andSuperfition 21 2 OppOlitiOn to the Saints ib. 3 OpprePon andThiel ce ib. Queflicn 12